Wednesday, May 25, 2011


We've taken turns at my house being sick, for the last 3 weeks, and I was the last to catch it. I don't blog all the time anyway so I definitely haven't felt like it lately, but since my poor little blog has been neglected, I figured I needed to do somethin'! Random, but lately I've been obsessed with this color (thanks Elise)...

Essie's Mint Candy Apple

more mint love..

(anthro knobs & pulls are always beautiful but read [& believe!] the reviews.. we've gotten some that were just not well made)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

suzanne kasler

I just stumbled across her and her work yesterday and spent more time than I'd like to admit looking at everything. She's an incredible interior designer and has some freaking amazzzing products. I about died over all the gorgeous furniture.. and then died again when I saw the little "contact for pricing" link on everything. Boooo. ("contact for pricing" always = way the freak out of my budget) Frickety frack. Oh, well, a girl can still dream, yeah?   ;)

this little beaute is the piece I'm obsessed with. isn't she preeeetty??

this little miss is another favorite. she and her twin would have a happy home in my living room

and again :) I love suzanne's liberal use of the quatrefoil

that bed is so genius. the gorgeous wall behind it doesn't hurt either.

images from... hickory chair, suzanne kasler & traditional home

Sunday, May 1, 2011

foxy finds

There's something charming about them, right? Not the real ones... the fake, cute, whimsical ones.
sweet harvey
rylan carter


matte stephens

helkat design